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CRM for small business The core features to look at in the CRM software

Aug 30, 2023 | Posted by:  abi s

Every firm and its business is different, regardless of its size. Small businesses often opt for any CRM software without researching it. Some even think that their business doesn't need CRM. Every business is unique in the same goes with the sales. Therefore importance should be given to selecting the CRM software when you are opting for CRM for small business. It is important to check whether the software can be integrated with other existing software. Also, it is important to check whether all the core CRM features are available in the software you have selected.
The Core CRM features:
Listed below are the Core CRM features of the CRM software, don't even consider the software that misses any one of the features. Any good CRM software should have the following core features, else it isn't a CRM software. 
Contact Management: Contact management is one of the major and basic features of CRM software. Contact management deals with the contact details of the customers like the name, address, contact information like phone number, email address, and other social media contacts. Contact management helps the business to get customer satisfaction and lead management. Since contact management is the common feature lookout for the specialty when selecting CRM for small business. Look out for usability, effectiveness, and more that help in the growth of the business. 
Interaction Management: Every interaction made with each contact should be recorded. Interactions help both the customer and the business. When the interactions are made and recorded it helps the customer to convey what they needed and the business what the customer is expecting from the business and helps to address any issue effectively. With the collective data, the business can analyze where they are lacking and can improve themselves. It also helps the business to stay competitive. Interaction management has the key advantage check whether the software that you have shortlisted provides effective interaction management. 
Lead management: Lead management has a huge role in the growth of any business. Converting the leads into loyal customers is what lead management does. With CRM software, lead management becomes simple where the entire process of lead conversion right from identifying to scoring. 
Note that whether it is a small business or a multinational company a business doesn't depend on a single person. Therefore it is important to ask the opinion of all the persons who are involved in each stage while short-listing the CRM for small businesses. After all, it is them who are going to use the software. Choose the trustworthy software that is convenient for your workforce and look out for the core features and other features that your business needs in the CRM software.
