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Free invoice generator Generate invoice online

Nov 18, 2019 | Posted by:  abi s

Invoice and Invoice Generator : Intro
                        An invoice a legal document by definition is a document that seller provides or send to the customer or client which indicates the pay (amount and costs) of the products or services provided by the seller to the customer as per the payment terms. Since invoicing is legal it should be handled with care. In the case when the seller issued a wrong invoice it can't be edited or deleted. The seller should issue a new invoice and record it properly to avoid any accounting issues that may lead to legal issues in the future.  Handling invoices should be done with proper care with the help of invoice generator this become easy where the invoice generator has an invoice template without any error all you need to do is enter the exact details of the product or service provided. With invoice generator application the seller can hand over the invoices as a soft copy to the client's mail.
Generating invoices using invoice template
Make use of the invoice templates available in the invoice generator of CRMSoftwareApp to generate your invoice. It will help you to use your time effectively without wasting it on repetitive tasks. Here are the details about the invoice template and how to create an invoice with it,
  • Title: Invoice is mostly the title of an invoice where it may also be "Tax invoice" or so as per the jurisdictions.  Provide title in the template accordingly.
  • Contact info: The contact information of the seller and the client should be added to the invoice. It should include the complete address, telephone, email id, website URL and any other contact info if any. Edit and add the contact info accordingly.
  • Invoice number: It is an important unique number that every invoice should have. It will help to locate the invoice in the future if any crisis arises without any difficulties.
  • Date: Just like invoice number date is also an important info that every invoice should hold. It specifies the date on which the invoice issued by the seller to the client.
  • Order summary: Add the complete and detailed details of the order and the charges for it clearly and add the tax details without any error in the space allocated for order summary in the invoice template.
  • Logo: You can add your company logo in the space allocated for the logo image.
