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Utilize Google Calendar Sync Feature Stay Update All The Time

Sep 15, 2020 | Posted by:  abi s

Have you utilized the advantages of the Google calendar for your business? Yes, you can make use of the cool features of the Google calendar for your business. CRMSoftwareApp brings you a top-notch Google Calendar Sync feature to reduce your workload. Many businesses find it difficult to keep updated about what’s happening in the business in a day. But, not anymore! With the calendar sync, you can easily keep up with your day’s meetings, appointments, and schedules. 
Explaining Calendar Sync Functionality:
The Google Calendar Sync feature in your CRMSoftwareApp allows you to access your CRM software’s calendar in your personal Gmail calendar. So, whenever a client makes a new appointment for you in CRM Software’s calendar, that data gets synced to your Gmail and you can see the booking through the Gmail Calendar as well. Not just it syncs new meetings, whenever someone changes the date/time/attendees of a pre-booked meeting, you can see the updated changes via your Gmail as well. Every single update made will be notified. Isn’t it cool?
Steps To Enable Google Calendar Sync: 
Following the simple steps provided below will help your CRMSoftwareApp account get synchronized with Google calendar. Open your CRM Software Calendar Settings at first. There you will find an option as “Integrate Calendar” under which you can upload your personal Gmail account’s Calendar ID. That’s all! You will find a new tab as “CRM Software” in your Google Calendar through which you can access your CRM calendar anytime. In case you anytime want to disable it, you can follow the same steps and choose “remove calendar”.
Improve Your Work Efficiency:
Time is money and you need to utilize it to improve your business sales. CRMSoftwareApp acts as a bridge that helps in the growth of your business and improves sales. Via Google Calendar Sync, you can enjoy improved communication with better meetings & appointments scheduling facility. You can quickly access the CRM calendar via Gmail from your phone and easily make any changes you want. You can look for the contacts anytime you want. 
In a nutshell, this feature makes sure that you don’t miss an important client or vendor meeting in the future. You will get an auto-generated notification via Google about the coming meetings, ensuring you attend each meeting on time! Try this cool feature for the growth of your business.


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